How much do thoughts weigh?



HOW MUCH DO THOUGHTS WEIGH is a part of the photo and installation project „Dichotomie“.

It is a self-study and analysis about the diversity, the complexity and the different personalities that a human being can have.

The project works on different levels and uses different tools and mediums to visualize the inner world and make the unseen seen.



The weight of your thoughts

Running and chasing

Sometimes clear as the sky

Sometimes like a toxic fog

Following you everywhere

All the time

From the moment you get up

Until they let you sleep




They follow you in your dreams

They chase you

Confuse you

They blind you

A light in the tunnel

Hidden in the dark

A solar eclipse

Living in the inner world

While the outer world seems far away



The body is their cage

The skin is their shell

Flying and twirling around

As they come and go

As fast as the light

They hit like a stroke

And have a strong after taste



You carry that weight

The weight of your thoughts

The weight of yourself

They slow you down

You stumble and fall

disoriented and lost

In a  maze of your thoughts

But you don’t know the way.

You don’t even know yourself.